Doris was nominated by her daughter Nicola. Originally from Germany move to Ireland and met her husband here. She learned how to cook and was working in the family restaurant for years.
Tell us a few words about yourself.
My mum ran a restaurant for over 25 years in Kilkee in Co Clare. She was a self-thought cook.
Kilkee is a holiday destination for many people including well to do executives etc. She worked along side my dad for all those years and he was front of the house. My dad was involved with everything in Kilkee... Council mayor rescue centre and so on... He is photographed by many and stories written by many in papers etc... But behind him is my mum... Always there never photographed and the crutch and support for all.
She comes from Germany and originally arrived in Ireland as an aupair. She met my dad in Kilkee during her hosts family vacation. They married, had 3 children and worked very hard in the restaurant business for over 25 years. Many people would book in advance to eat in Manuel's, e.g. chairman of Guinness Mr Brian Slowey, President Hillary, Pat Kenny, Ceo of Dromoland and many more.
Tell us your story.
Doris... My mum never got recognition for what she did.
My dad has received rewards for everything and I do believe she herself has a story to tell. The fact that she was a backbone to this small restaurant in the west of Ireland, she raised 3 children and worked over 6 months to keep a home and raise us and look after my dad. She did all that. My dad is a great guy but truly he would not be where he is without my mum. So as we want to empower women and my mum is now in her 70s this is the generation that also inspired and built great ideas.
Well, my mum was a self-thought cook chef, that many people have not forgotten and I think this photo shoot will honor her achievements.
How did the photo shoot with Marta Faye make you feel?
It gave my mother her own stamp in life... She was a success and this photo shoot would help give her her own story. Make her known to the world and Ireland for her culinary achievements. People still talk... "food is good but not like Manuel's". Even though my mum was a top-class chef, the restaurant was called after my dad. I think this will truly inspire women as she would have catered to over 400 people a week during the busy season.
What drew you to our project - 10 Women and their Inspirational Stories?
I believe what my mum did will inspire and influence many more in the culinary industry. I think her story should be known... That we women can do this... And that her story is an inspirational one. She still cooks for guests but on a private basis so only the lucky few are allowed to attend... :-)
Makeup and hair by Grainne Coughlan